Barnette E. “Barney” Green, Jr.
As president of Greene’s Citrus Management, Inc., and owner of Bar-G-Bar Ranch, Inc., Barnette E. “Barney” Green, Jr., is a well-known cattle rancher and citrus grower in Vero Beach and served as the first chairman of the board of what became the Orange Avenue Citrus Growers, Inc. He is also credited with introducing a new cattle breed, the Romana Red, to Florida, and expanding the Florida grapefruit market by involving Ocean Spray, Inc., in the Indian River citrus production area. He is a founding member of the Florida Limousin Breeders Association. He serves on the President’s Council of the University of Florida and Florida Southern College and has been a generous supporter of agricultural youth organizations and of his community and church. Greene also established the Greene Academy, a high school on the island of Mindanao in the Philippines, where agricultural fundamentals are taught to help the islanders become self-sufficient.