
Renowned dairyman Don Bennink’s leadership and unwavering standard of excellence have had a profound impact on the dairy industry in Florida and around the world. A native of western New York, Bennink began milking cows in junior high school and would continue until his graduation from Cornell University in 1963. Slowly he expanded operations while...
Dr. Paul Nicoletti is a veterinarian and epidemiologist who spent the bulk of his career with the USDA and the University of Florida’s College of Veterinary Medicine. Nicoletti made a lasting contribution to Florida agriculture by improving the procedures used to control bovine brucellosis, or Bang’s disease. He is an internationally recognized authority on bovine...
Bill Carey was a leader in the Florida cattle and dairy industries, and his wife Trudy continues to play an important role in Florida agriculture today. Together Bill and Trudy founded the Carey Cattle Company, Russell’s Dairy, Carey Beef, Inc., Carey Feedlot, Inc., and Carey Agri-International. In addition, the Careys generously volunteered their time with...
Bill Boardman was a hands-on dairy farmer and a visionary leader who became synonymous with Florida’s dairy industry through his many years of service. He tirelessly promoted the industry’s products and fought its legislative battles. As his friends and admirers noted, his efforts set a high-water mark for other leaders to follow. Boardman was born...
James Neville McArthur came to Florida as a young man with nothing but an education and a sterling reputation. Twenty-five years later, he had revolutionized the dairy industry in the Sunshine State, and his reputation remained untarnished. He was known and is remembered as an astute businessman, a forward-thinking innovator, and a philanthropist of uncommon...
William A. “Bill” Graham grew up on the edge of the Everglades and made his mark on Florida agriculture within the dairy and cattle industries. During the 1950s, he played a leadership role in organizing the Independent Diary Farmers Association and served as its first president. This effort spurred the creation of a federal milk...
Tom B. Adams is a Florida farmer who also served as Secretary of State and Lieutenant Governor. He is the owner of Magnolia Farms in Fellsmere and serves as vice chairman and president of FARM (Florida Agriculture Resources Mobilization) Foundation, Inc. His career in agriculture began in dairy and farm management and branched into government...
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The Florida Agricultural Hall of Fame honors men and women who have made lasting contributions to agriculture in this state and to mentoring of our youth, who represent the future of agriculture in Florida.

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The video profiles of the inductees from 1980 through 2017 were produced by the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences at the University of Florida. More information is available at: https://www.ifas.ufl.edu

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